Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Until the advent of computers this was my Saturday Morning, starting in 1979 in a world of smoking men and naked women on calendars. I worked as 'The Beatles' said, for a man in the motor trade. Spending those mornings in an automotive parts shop. Dishing out shock absorbers, filters, spark plugs and clutches, to the trade for we were a trade warehouse and heaven forbid retail punters, for I was a car obsessed nipper.

To get the multi coloured boxes to the counter, Involved looking up various products by looking in various parts application catalogues. Followed by a swift trek out the back to fetch the item in question, The orange section was Fram Filters,or the yellow section of Girling brake parts.

These catalogues were multi coloured matching there component shelfed friends and came out every year promoting everything automotive.