Monday, 16 July 2012


My measure to counter those young men, who have been convinced to blow themselves up,in a strange, synapses blocking attempt at gaining non-body paradise.

Is a new US Strategic policy at keep them in their bodies.
It’s based on ideas from the past, it’s really quite simple, it’s a sort of secret weapon, but it’s not.

With both Al Qaeda and the Taliban having strange medieval ideas we need to distribute social information, promoting social change in the tactile form of a glossy magazine. These ideas, like those instigated during the late 1960s, throughout the ‘Western World’. Should always include the promotion of what is good and great about America. Freedom of speech. We can then win those ‘Hearts and Minds’.

During ‘Operation Linbacker II’ 18-29 Dec 1972, The USAAF flew 741 missions and dropped 15,237 tons (13822.80 tonnes) of destructive ordnance with their B-52 Bombers, on North Vietnam. This nearly brought North Vietnam to its knees, which obviously did nobody any good in the long run.

Bringing anybody to their knees just makes them angry, Getting them into a positions of their choice, is another matter altogether.

Using the ideas readily available from Sargent ‘Oddball’ in the 1970 film 'Kelly's Heroes', My idea is in the best proto-Hippie tradition of how to fight a battle and not get killed.

‘We’ve got our own ammunition, it’s filled with paint. When we fire it, it makes pretty picture, scares the hell out of people’. 

We all know those with narrow views of the world, believe testosterone should be harnessed in some explosive way to wipe out the first amendment. I propose using testosterone for the purpose of explosive subversion with pretty pictures.

A USAAF B-52 now has payload of 70,000 pounds(31,5000kg),instead of packing them with bombs, packing them with Playboy Magazine or Hustler Magazine (for the more Orthodox) is the weapon we need to power us to peace.

The average Playboy magazine weighs 2 pound (0.9 kg) it can be rounded up to 1kg for a special Al Qaeda edition.

That means,each B-52 Playboy deployment would release 31,500 Playboy playmates per sortie, with the same sortie ratio as in ‘Operation Linebacker II’ that means nearly 23.3 Million Playboys deployed over any 11 day period, Combating any local small minded ideas.

I guarantee that the men of the region will have something better to do with their hands than make bombs. When they chance upon randomly distribute glossy magazines plus nobody gets killed. We might even begin to see America, as Paradise again. As there are some very interesting articles in Playboy.   

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