Monday, 17 December 2012


In my current abode,The bedroom is on the ground floor as is the toilet but the kitchen is upstairs.It hasn't always been this way. Number one house had toilet and kitchen downstairs,bedroom upstairs. The second house I was acquainted with had the bedroom on the third floor,the toilet on the second and the kitchen on the ground. I then went through four house's where the kitchen was on the ground floor but the toilet and bedroom was up the wooden hill. Leading to the last share house I had in Putney SW15, which had bedroom,toilet and kitchen all on one plain. Don't know why I felt the need to write this down, its all of a bit of bollocks really.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Anyone for Sex ,with a 3D printer

In the psycho-porn amusement park of the future, we will be able to 3D print a compliant partner(s)of our choice, Then instead of being fired into erotic rhythms of consumerism with hands down your pants, staring into a screen. We will all have the ultimate sex toy,a full size,fully complaint, maybe even a self lubricating partner.

Uncomfortable? You will be in this pornopolis of the future.

Until this new time, we will have to let the mesmerizing light box let its stupefying effects wash over us. As humans our eyes are programmed to look at abrupt changes in our visual field. It’s part of our survival mechanism,the colourful quick images of a screen are difficult to resist.

Now that in our current life, we have dowsed everything with sex.  The new emotions created by more and more and our devotion to technology,are reaching into our dreams. Big 3D dreams. Fired out of the sphere, by the power of watching.

Our 21st Century  mantra is watch not do, My vision with a 3D printer will be. Print, do, don’t watch.

Harlee (Circles) Murray

Born 1961

The early discovery of her sexuality meant that school life was never going to be easy. Protestant, working class Glasgow was an unforgiving environment for him.
Not living up to his parent’s expectation, Harlee ran away first to Manchester then onto London at 15.

Living in a North London squat he fell into the emerging Punk Scene where she knew Richard Dudanski a drummer in the 101ers, who helped him get a job at Rough Trade Records on Kensington Park Road .

He began to produce fanzines and gig posters for a host of Rough Trade artist, Spending the next years emerged in the crucible of Punk and Post Punk, Knowing a who’s who’s (including Dave Stewart who references Circles on the Eurhythmics first Album in 1981) of the music scene, Band Performance did not appeal, but attending a Throbbing Gristle Gig in 1978 his idea of performance changed.

First Came a ‘Punk Nazi’ where dressed as a Nun he would eat swastika shaped cakes filled with Ribena so that performance ended with him covered in ‘blood’ . Usually to a stunned audience.

By the early Eighties found her working at InPhaze records as an assistant which is when Circles began a run of Performance Art before gigs and the performance had changed to
‘Killer Coney’ where dressed as a rabbit she would mince 8 dead Rabbits on a small table. 

During a tour of Europe in 1984 she was arrested in Austria, but the tour proved fruitful in that Hermann Nitsch saw a performance and asked Circles to become one of his assistance in his assistant in actions during 1985,Where she returned to assist until 1988.

He drifted about for 18 months before in 1989 she went on a trip that ended but didn’t finish in Tibet, Circles has spent the last 23 years in Buddhist Counties roaming but also producing. Thangka the painted or embroidered banner which was hung in a monastery or a family altar and carried by lamas in ceremonial procession, plus sand mandalas made for destructive ceremonial purposes. 

During a recent trip in Sri Lanka we met circles  and convinced him to do her first show in 25 years.


I have difficulty in getting the inspiration to post my own website.

Although possessing the relevant skills to do it myself. I find the idea of posting me up there, slightly intrusive. Plus its not true to the images, now this sounds wanky as hell but the theory is based on this.

To stop me messing with my paintings. I take a picture of them, So I can view them in a different way, if the image works then I deem the painting to be finished. Trouble is this image becomes something different, I have noticed how reproduced images, Usually JPEGs do more justice to the painted work than looking at it with your own peepholes. In very few cases it lets down all but the truly awesome pictures.

I also note that as an artist of any type, some sort of posting is required whether it be it myspace, tumbler ( I take part in that one) Wikipedia or your own site, this makes it’s easy for the pursuer of information to track you down, this is not necessarily a bad thing, but once up, it’s up until amended. It’s an all too easy medium for snap shots of irrelevant drivel. Posting items like this with no relevance at all to the white noise that clutters up everything.

So for the moment I would like to sit in on an analog 1979 and consider things. It not that I am anti-web its part of my work, part of my inspiration, but struggling with this is still twisting the website idea over in my head.