Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Portable Fist Pump

In my fluoro shirted locality. There are at this moment, seven apartment buildings scratching into the sky. The array of equipment brought in, by the builders to pull these erections skywards. Looks like a small war effort surrounded by traffic cones.

With the influx of workers comes the ever-present HSE requirements, Flags , Go and Slow signs, Whistles and the portaloo. The ability to port a toilet into any area is a relative new thing. But they arrive stacked on trucks, craned into position for use. Virtually self-cleaning they are able to store the expressed liquids in their self-contained polycarbonate shell.

Toilets, potable and public, have a history back to the mid 18thCentury the first modern, with a flush (in a Victorian sense) public lavatory, was opened in London during 1852, Constructed for the ‘The City of London Corporation’ by contractors George Jennings of Brighton. They were usually underground. Jennings calling them ‘Halting Stations.' charging 1d, a go. 

Initial Public use of these ‘Halting Stations' was difficult. As it was a topic which nobody mentioned. But by 1895 Jennings had his underground public conveniences in many British and Empire towns. With the modernisation of the late Victorian and Edwardian periods saw the construction of free public conveniences above ground plus a reform campaign also campaigned  for facilities for women, as the early Toilets were primarily for men. 

Now in the 21st Century a Public convenience is available in shopping centres, public buildings, pubs and clubs, and motorway services areas. In Australia we have National Public Toilet Map this shows the location of more than 14,000 public and private toilet facilities across Australia for Public use
. These small public spaces are in fact used for all manner of shenagins .We all know this as condoms, are usually sold in toilets. Couples, and in fact as many as will fit in, have been engaged in the primary sexual activity of mankind in a small spaces, since we walked upright.

In Canada recently a couple was arrested for public lewdness in a pay toilet, but successfully argued that as it was a pay toilet , the couple  were basically in a form of hotel accommodation. Gay code for a public toilets in the UK during 1960s was a cottage, to go cottaging was to have anonymous sex in a cubical, It could involve all manor of signals and/or glory or Judas holes drilled in walls to view or perform acts .
In the present we have people using a phone to film themselves or others polishing the purple bishop in a cubical, Posting this on Websites to advertising services for those who want to get jiggy in small space. As we now don’t live in the era ‘self-polluted sin and all its frightful consequences’ (Dr. Balthazar Bekker) what I propose is the pay mobile ejaculation space.

A 2003 study in Australia found that men who ejaculated most (more than five times a week) in their 20s, 30s and 40s had about a third less instances prostate cancer. Research undertaken in Japan shows that men take 35 seconds to use a urinal, while women take a minimum of 60 seconds to use a loo. But the average time for intercourse is between 7 and 10 minutes. So there is a health benefit and a revenue earning potential in all this latent sexual energy.

In that suburb of mine, before work and at lunchtime. It’s a busy time for the ladies who operate outside as chippies, sparkies and plumbers seek some crotch attention before another shift starts.

Over 40 years after France's May 1968 revolution spawned the slogan "pleasure without obstruction,", Local authorities should now be looking into ways of making small public spaces more available.

In these times of austerity and cut backs, They could install automatic self-cleaning web friendly pay spaces, We could then all hire The Portable Fist Pump. In a small movable room that can store bodily fluids, We could communicate, defecate  and fornicate all at the same time. when nature called.

The WTO declared, 19 November, as World Toilet Day.

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